Kothapalli Jayashankar, a known person in the Telangana region, who has worked hard for the Telangana state formation from the year 1969. Jayashankar passed away on Tuesday at the age of 76, suffering from a Throat cancer from last few years.
History of Kothapalli Jayashankar:
Jayashankar has participated in all the Telangana agitation starting from 1969 and we can also say that he was person to work on T-State before KCR and other parties took up this responsibility.
He has also played a major role in convincing 34 ministers and submitted a letter to the Finance minister for the T-State.
K Jayashankar was born in Hanamkonda on August 6, 1934. He had adopted a boy, Brahmam who was with him till his last breath. Jayashankar had completed his education in his town and PhD in Economics from Banaras Hindu University and Osmania University respectively.
Jayashankar worked as a lecturer in Warangal and rose to become the vice-chancellor of Kakatiya University from 1991-94. Before that, he was registrar of CIEFL (1982-91).
With the news spreading of his death, all Telangana minister and TRS Chief K Chandrasekhar Rao reached Hanamkonda. JAC Chairman M Kodandaram declared a 3-day mourning and also mentioned that funeral will be held at Padmakshigutta on Wednesday.
K Jayashankar body is placed at the Ekashila Park, where it is open for public to pay their tribute for the father of T-Movement.
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